Turn Your Windows 8 Laptop into a Wireless Access Point

A lot of companies are starting to sell portable 3G routers that you can take with you when you go out, but what happens when you forget, luckily I m here to save the day with this neat command line trick.

Creating Your Own WI-FI Hotspot

open the application (Download here) wifi hotspot w8.exe. it will execute and open your wifi connections. follow steps...


When your network connections open right-click on your Wireless network adapter and select properties from the context menu.  

Now switch over to the Sharing tab and allow other devices to use your machines internet by selecting the first checkbox and then unchecking the second before clicking on the OK button.
You are done with a hotspot named "pramod" and the password will be "pramod" (without quote)... :) enjoy surfing internet on many devices in the same time....

Download your file here(Hotspot creater)



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