Windows 8 Net framework 3.5.1 offline.
Here is how to enable .Net 3.5.1 on offline systems.
All you need is windows 8 Disk installation media,
First of all create “net35 folder in C would be best
1. Now open command prompt using Win +R, type and execute the following command line
xcopy H:\sources\sxs\*.* c:\net35 /s
or simply copy the folder contents from H:\sources\sxs\ to c:\net35
where H is DVD drive, it takes sometime for all files to copied you need to be patient.
After all files are copied open command prompt with admin privileges and type and execute following command line
Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:c:\net35 /LimitAccess